Category Archives: Uncategorized

WP-CLI rocks

WP-CLI rocks for getting rid of the garbage accounts would-be spammers create. I just got rid of some 300 or so accounts in a few minutes, without all the clicking that the web UI would’ve required.

That is all. 🙂

(Gonna try reenabling the zero-spam plugin for a bit, as it blocks spam account creation…but I’ve observed a problem with it throwing false positives in the past.)

Mailer bug fixed

Heard from a harriette this morning that the reminder for tomorrow’s trail said 7 AM go.  That definitely wasn’t correct, as the calendar says 3 PM.  Must’ve been an unneeded timezone conversion in the mailer script…took it out, saw that the time was correct, and fired off another round of reminders with the correct time.

The new website is up and running

As of a couple of minutes ago, has cut over from the old website to the new. Instead of a custom webapp, we’re now running WordPress with a few plugins for things like the calendar (plus a little bit of custom code for email notifications). In addition to the info we’ve always had up on the website, there’s now a forum for chatting back and forth.

The old website required logins for most things. The new one doesn’t, so the accounts on the old website haven’t been carried through to the new. If you choose to create an account on the new site, logging in will bypass the math captchas on comments and forum posts.

If you want to continue to receive email notifications of upcoming hashes, send email to

Hares will need to email trail info to the hare raiser no later than three days before trail so that the calendar can be updated…it’s not quite as self-service as before.

Questions? Concerns? Email someone who cares. 🙂